Welcome to
the Community Mapping Network!
The Community Mapping Network (CMN) helps communities map sensitive habitats and species distributions in British Columbia and Canada. Since 2000, the CMN has created community based atlases with customized data entry and reporting tools. The atlases integrate many different data sources including local and remote data sets, geo-referenced videos and sensitive habitat mapping projects. The Atlas Gallery has over sixty user friendly atlases that use Mapguide Open Source. By providing accurate and up to date information, the CMN and its many partners help plan sustainable communities.
Atlas Gallery
AIP - BC Watershed Statistics
The Aquatic Information Part nership (AIP) goal is to make aquatic relatedBC Marine Conservation Analysis Atlas
British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA) is a collaborative project designedBC NGO Conservation Lands Atlas
This Atlas is now available for view at a new location on A DataBC web mappingour Videos
SHIM - Sensitive Habitat Inventory & Mapping
How to Use WiTS Atlas
Eelgrass Bed Mapping
Please consider making a donation to help CMN fund new projects and continue providing natural resource information services. The CMN is dependant on user donations and partners' funding new projects. This donate link connects you to the BC Conservation Foundation (BCCF) donation page on Canada Helps. Select CMN from the list of funds BCCF supports.
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