Displaying 1 - 20 of 67334
1.00 Continental Benthos 1CB42 19865036 Admin930924170103D66043 Fraser River Estuary, Georgia Strait and Adjoining Waters, Lower Fraser River Ba More ... 2/9/1986 12/4/1986 Tilbury Slough Enumeration, Identification not enough information Chironomidae, Coleoptera, Collembola, Corixidae, Corophium salmonis, Diptera, Eo More ... Fraser Estuary Macdonald, J.S., R.U. Kistritz, and M. Farrell. 1990. An examination of the ef More ... identification, number Unknown
2.00 Continental Benthos 1CB43 19735020 Admin930924171124D1113804 Thompson Sub-Basin 10/25/1973 11/29/1973 Thompson River near Ashcroft Density, Miscellaneous no mention of QA/QC Ceratopogonidae, Chironomidae, Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Hydrazoa, Nematoda, Oligo More ... Thompson River Beak Consultants, Ltd. 1974. Biological and water quality survey of the Thomps More ... density, identification Unknown
3.00 Continental Benthos 1CB44 19865037 Admin930927131356D1596964 Georgia Strait and Adjoining Waters 5/1/1986 9/30/1986 Mayfly Ck, UBC Research Forest Density, Enumeration, Miscellaneous no mention of percent recovery of organisms or sorting verification dissecting microscope Ameletus, Baetis, Ceratopogonidae, Chironomidae, Chloroperlidae, Cinygma, Cinygm More ... Georgia Strait Region Richardson, J.S. and W.E. Neill. 1991. Indirect effects of detritius manipulat More ... density, emigration, identification, immigration Unknown
4.00 Continental Benthos 1CB45 19865038 Admin930928111852D21922690 Georgia Strait and Adjoining Waters 5/1/1986 4/30/1987 Mayfly Ck, UBC Research Forest Density, Enumeration, Miscellaneous, Morphology quality control programme in place dissecting microscope, ocular micrometer Brillia retifinis, Capnia, Despaxia augusta, Lepidostoma roafi, Malenka, Malenka More ... Georgia Strait Region Richardson, J.S. 1991. Seasonal food limitation of detritivores in a montane s More ... biomass, density, dry mass, emigration, head capsule width, identification, immi More ... Unknown
5.00 Continental Benthos 1CB5 19805010 Admin930917163024D7812103 Fraser River Estuary, Georgia Strait and Adjoining Waters, Lower Fraser River Ba More ... 5/13/1980 7/2/1981 Point Grey, Musqueam Marsh Enumeration no mention of QA/QC Corophium, Eogammarus confervicolus, Gnorimosphaeroma oregonense (oregonensis), More ... Fraser Estuary, Lower Mainland Levy, D.A., T.G. Northcote and R.M. Barr. 1982. Effects of estuarine log stora More ... number Unknown
6.00 Continental Benthos 1CB6 19835008 Admin930920140137D213290 Fraser River Estuary, Georgia Strait and Adjoining Waters, Lower Fraser River Ba More ... 1/18/1983 1/18/1983 Steveston Island Density no mention of QA/QC microscope Nematoda, Polychaeta, Tubificida Fraser Estuary Duncan, M.J. 1983. Benthic study of proposed Fraser River sand-storage site on More ... density Unknown
7.00 Continental Benthos 1CB7 19715010 Admin930920141147D17997284 Lower Fraser River Basin 7/1/1971 8/31/1971 Marion Lake Density adequate replication stereomicroscope Acanthocyclops nanus, Aspelta, Attheyella obtogamensis, Bryocamptus hiemalis, Br More ... Lower Fraser River Hoebel, M.F. 1978. The role of meiofauna in the benthic community of a small o More ... density Unknown
8.00 Continental Benthos 1CB8 19690070 Admin930920144301D134381 6/1/1969 5/31/1972 Marion Lake Density estimate of efficiency stereomicroscope Acanthocyclops nanus, Alona affinis, Alona costata, Alona guttata, Alona quadran More ... Lower Fraser River Hoebel, M.F. 1978. The role of meiofauna in the benthic community of a small o More ... density Unknown
9.00 Continental Benthos 1CB9 19640056 Admin930920173247D11632928 Lower Fraser River Basin 1/1/1964 12/31/1966 Marion Lake Density, Miscellaneous, Morphology overall good quality, but not standardized dissecting microscope, ocular micrometer Crangonyx richmondensis occidentalis, Hyalella azteca Lower Fraser River Mathias, J.A. 1967. Population energetics of two amphipod species in Marion La More ... density, head length, identification, sex, weight Unknown
10.00 Continental Benthos CB_Admin930928194239S5163266 19865039 Admin930928193929D397980 Thompson Sub-Basin 2/26/1986 3/27/1986 Thompson River at Savona Density, Miscellaneous no mention of QA/QC microscope, not applicable Baetidae, Bivalvia, Brachycentridae, Chironomidae, Ephemerellidae, Glossosomatid More ... Thompson River Thut, R.N. 1986. Thompson River water quality surveys - 1985/1986. Prepared f More ... density, identification Unknown
11.00 Continental Benthos 1CB13 19725030 Admin930921102935D27974014 Fraser River Estuary, Georgia Strait and Adjoining Waters, Lower Fraser River Ba More ... 10/1/1972 3/31/1973 Iona Island breakwater Density no mention of QA/QC Clinocardium nuttalli, Macoma nasuta, Mya arenaria, Polychaeta, Tellina carpente More ... Fraser Estuary B.C. Research. 1973. Project report for the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Dra More ... density Unknown
12.00 Continental Benthos 1CB14 19845012 Admin930921150421D7745767 Fraser River Estuary, Georgia Strait and Adjoining Waters, Lower Fraser River Ba More ... 11/14/1984 11/15/1984 ASR Density, Miscellaneous quality control programme in place Achelia nudiuscula, Acila castrensis, Acteocina culcitella, Actiniaria, Adontorh More ... Fraser Estuary Burd, B.J., D. Moore and R.O. Brinkhurst. 1987. Distribution and abundance of More ... density, density and identification 2 Unknown
13.00 Continental Benthos 1CB15 19835009 Admin930921164816D2609634 Fraser River Estuary, Georgia Strait and Adjoining Waters, Lower Fraser River Ba More ... 6/1/1983 7/31/1984 Roberts Bank Density, Morphology no mention of QA/QC dissecting microscope Ampithoe lacertosa, Ampithoe valida, Anisogammarus pugettensis, Atylus collingi, More ... Fraser Estuary Miller, P.A. 1985. The role of habitat heterogeneity in the community dynamics More ... density, size Unknown
14.00 Continental Benthos 1CB16 19735018 Admin930921172335D2453191 Fraser River Estuary, Georgia Strait and Adjoining Waters, Lower Fraser River Ba More ... Crescent Beach Enumeration, Morphology no mention of QA/QC Anisogammarus pugettensis Fraser Estuary Chang, B.D. 1975. Some factors affecting distribution and productivity in the More ... brood size, length, sex ratio, size Unknown
15.00 Continental Benthos 1CB17 19755020 Admin930921174253D1201703 Fraser River Estuary, Georgia Strait and Adjoining Waters, Lower Fraser River Ba More ... 7/1/1975 7/31/1975 Roberts Bank Enumeration, Miscellaneous adequate replication, photos provided microscope Amphipoda, Asteroides, Bivalvia, Cancer magister, Cladocera, Collembola, Cumacea More ... Fraser Estuary Pearce, B.C. and J. McBride. 1977. A preliminary study on the occurrence of co More ... identification, number, visual effect on crabs Unknown
16.00 Continental Benthos 1CB18 19735019 Admin930922134117D555751 Georgia Strait and Adjoining Waters 12/11/1973 1/31/1974 Roberts and Sturgeon Banks Miscellaneous, Morphology no mention of QA/QC Acila castrensis, Acteocina culcitella, Amphioda periereta, Aphrocallistes, Axin More ... Georgia Strait Region Bernard, F.R. 1975. Vancouver International Airport environmental effects stud More ... biomass, identification Unknown
17.00 Continental Benthos 1CB19 19825005 Admin930922142315D1318253 Fraser River Estuary, Georgia Strait and Adjoining Waters, Lower Fraser River Ba More ... 7/22/1982 8/27/1982 Roberts Bank Enumeration, Morphology acceptable Vernier calipers Cancer magister, Crangon Fraser Estuary Fisheries and Oceans, Canada. 1982. A short term study on the presence of fish More ... catch per unit effort (CPUE), shell hardness, size Unknown
18.00 Continental Benthos 1CB2 19775008 Admin930916111914D3363168 7/1/1977 7/31/1977 Sturgeon Bank Chemical, Density, Enumeration, Morphology not enough information Perkin-Elmer Model 306 atomic absorption spectrophotometer, Perkin-Elmer Sigma 2 More ... Macoma balthica Georgia Strait Region Albright, L.J., T.G. Northcote, P.C. Oloffs and S.Y. Szeto. 1975. Chlorinated h More ... University of British Columbia Factors affecting the distribution of the bivalve, Macoma balthica (L.) on a mud More ... P#114A, F. B.# F0747 biomass, density, heavy metals (not Hg), height, mean dry weight (flesh), mercur More ... Unknown
19.00 Continental Benthos 1CB20 19805011 Admin930922143402D1337068 Fraser River Estuary, Georgia Strait and Adjoining Waters, Lower Fraser River Ba More ... 7/1/1980 7/31/1981 Point Grey - Musqueam Density no mention of QA/QC Eogammarus confervicolus Fraser Estuary Levy, D.A., T.G. Northcote, K.J. Hall and I. Yesaki. 1989. Juvenile salmonid r More ... density Unknown
20.00 Continental Benthos 1CB21 19765017 Admin930922150646D328001 Georgia Strait and Adjoining Waters 3/1/1976 3/31/1976 Point Grey dumpsite Chemical, Morphology quality control programme in place a.a. spectrophotometer Molpadia intermedia Georgia Strait Region Thompson, J.A.J. and D.W. Paton. 1978. Heavy metals in benthic organisms from More ... heavy metal concentration, ectoderm, heavy metal concentration, muscle, heavy me More ... Unknown