Sockeye Salmon

Generalized life cycle of
the sockeye salmon: Adult sockeye salmon enter mouths of natal rivers from June to
September. Spawn during September or October in gravel redds located in lake tributaries,
lake outlet or spring-fed areas along lake shore. Adults die soon after spawning. Eggs
hatch in winter and spring and fry emerge from gravel in April and May after yolk sac is
absorbed. Most juveniles rear in lake for 2-3 years and migrate to sea as smolts. In some
stocks, fry migrate directly downstream and rear in river or upper estuary for up to 5
months. Yearlings may also rear in upper estuary for up to 6 weeks. Smolts may remain in
estuarine waters for 2 weeks or more, but generally migrate quickly through shallow
nearshore to deeper water. Usually spend 2-3 years feeding in the northeast Pacific Ocean
before returning to spawn in natal tributary stream or lake. Maximum size is about 84 cm,
and adults may live for up to 8 years.
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